Last night, a friend introduced me to "It's a Wonderful Life", yes, the black and white Christmas movie with Jimmy Stewert. I can see now how he can watch it over and over and never be tired of it. I feel like I only skimmed the surface of taking from it all that it has to offer :-). Let me just say before I dive into one of my "oceans of profound" analogies that it was an excellent movie. Anybody who hasn't seen it is missing out... Seriously, go borrow it from your neighbor and watch it with a nice big bowl of pipoca.
In this scene George Bailey is exstatically showing the policeman the rose pedals from his daughter's broken flower that he concealed in his pocket when she asked her to "paste them back on". He's alive! He has his life back and the seemingly smallest things mean all the world to him.
Thanks to Clarence, his guardian angel (or divine tutor), Mr. Bailey realized that nothing... thousands of lost dollars, bank foreclosure, the loss of his job, the prospect of going to jail and even injustice itself was not worth loosing his dear wife and children. That amidst everything, nothing else mattered.
The relationships that we forge with people in this life, I believe, have eternal consequences and are of infinite worth, just as the individuals themselves. They are totally incomparable to amounts of money or any earthly possessions or powers.
Also, a huge message to take in from this fabulous movie is the fact (the FACT) that we have permanent effects on the lives that we interact with. We are all in this together, we are all brothers and sisters, we all have the same Father in Heaven who loves us all and wants us all to succeed. One of the most amazing ways that he blesses us is through others, both when they help us and when we help them.
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